Les lumières de Manhattan - une symphonie

(engl. The Symphony of Manhattan)

Still 1 Still 2 Still 3 Still 4 Still 5 Still 6

Germany, Luxembourg 2025
Duration 06 min 14 sec / experimental shortfilm
Aspect Ratio 16:9
Color, digital

with the support of Hochschule für Fernsehen und Film München

Alexandra Kurt
Alexandra Kurt
Hendrik Ehlers
Music Composition
Hans Könnecke
Maximilian Kremser

In homage to the film classic “Berlin: Symphony of a Metropolis” (1927) , the film “Les lumières de Manhattan- une symphonie” portrays the New York City of today. The city becomes the protagonist and shows in an experimental way how the inhabitants go about their activities and try to find their own light - in a city that always shines and sparkles.